Our Mission
To serve the Spiritist movement in Canada and its Spiritist centres, grounded on the Gospel of Jesus in harmony with Spiritism’s teachings organized by Allan Kardec.
Our Values
Fraternal Union: Per the spirit Emmanuel, "let us extend pure and simple fraternity all around us by mutually helping one another… the fraternity that labors and assists, understands and forgives amid the humility and service that ensure the victory of the Good. Wherever we are, let us practice fraternity, recalling the word of the Lord, who clearly and surely asserted: 'By this all men will know that you are my disciples: if you love one another.'" – Living Spring, Chico Xavier/Emmanuel
Purpose to Serve: Following Jesus' teachings of humility and service, when He washed the disciples' feet, we aim to serve as a support system to Spiritist centres across Canada and to those in need. It means putting aside our personal goals and working alongside others to take the Gospel of Jesus to others.
Faithfulness to Kardec: Spiritism has its foundation in the five primary books of Allan Kardec. Those books are the basis for our decisions, actions and teachings. Additional materials to be used must be in alignment with Kardec's works.
Continue Learning to Teach: We are committed to continuously learning about Spiritism and giving forward what we learned to others. We will strive to live the evangelical precepts as a norm of human conduct.
Simple and Only the Necessary: We will work with simplicity and do no more than what is essential to share the Good News.